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This product category includes all those components commonly assembled on the valves and used for a correct maintenance and safe operativity during their cycle life. Considering their importance for functioning and safety they are designed and produced with the same design approach dedicated for valves in terms of Working Pressure, Chemical Compatibility and Use.
Grease Fittings & Inner Check Valves Ball & Check Valves Bleeder Valves Safety Valves Plugs & Other Fittings Pressure Relief Tools T-Lock - Metal Tube Connection FittingsIt’s a new solution to clean, grease and seal valves. The smart concept of this machine will reduce costs during maintenance operations. TK Téchne Pumps is a really unique user-friendly product with top performances up to operation pressure of 10Ksi. Fast grease charge with max NGLI grade 4. The first and unique pump certified in accordance with ATEX zone 1 & PED standards. Safe and light-weight design.
TK-2D High-performance greasing pumpOur production department is characterized by innovative and high-tech machineries thanks to the installation of the latest generation of CNCs of absolute quality, addressing our choice mainly to the OKUMA brand.
This new technical proposal has been implemented to guarantee an easier & safer use of all our needle valve design: SBB/DBB monoflange, monoblock needle instrumentation valves. Up to 12,5 mm orifice we assure, at max DP 15Ksi, an operating torque less than 8Nm using a handle solution, without gear or actuator. Valves can be designed for use up to 30Ksi. Ball valve can be designed both trunnion or floating solution, with soft or metal seal.
These metal-to-metal floating ball valves have been developed in cooperation with Mr. Ingolf Fra Holmslet to offer a safer alternative during maintenance service. The design is compact, safe and easy to handle. The design can be customized and adapted for confined spaces. Ball and seats are TCC coated and can ensure a long lifespan and a hundred operations under full differential pressures.
catalogo axyIn addition to our engineering reverse services we can give to our customers also assembling, testing and maintenance support on valves and other products. All the operation phases and NDE – Non-Destructive Examination - are internally handled by qualified personal or external laboratory.
By means of Level II operators for NDE control we can complete our service with: PMI Positive Material Identification, PT Dye Penetrant Test, RT Radiographic Test, UT Ultrasonic Test, MT Magnetic Test, HT Hardness Test. Tests are performed by internal qualified personnel or external laboratories.
Thanks to the support of advanced control instruments, CCM Zeiss, FARO Arms & Laser Scanner we can provide Engineering Reverse service. Mechanical spare parts can be produced directly at our factory; seal products and all other needed services are furnished passing through qualified sub-suppliers. FEM, FEA & fluid-dynamic calculations are part of our services.
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